Stripe made it easy to build a basic credit card form. But it’s getting increasingly hard to build a first-class checkout page. Building a first-class checkout page When we first launched Stripe Checkout, our prebuilt, hosted payment page, we imagined that it would be useful for people who didn’t want to write any frontend code. While Checkout is indeed very easy to use, we’ve since realized that Checkout’s real value is in making checkout pages more powerful. Unless you intend to support all of the edge-cases yourself (address-autocomplete that works with native autofill, 3D Secure on mobile, Alipay on Desktop…), you’ll likely increase your revenue and save many engineering hours by using Checkout.
Stripe Checkout is one of my single ever made and it has allowed us to do so much with Ghost that we would not have been able to accomplish otherwise. John l Founder and CEO at Ghost Using Stripe Checkout just made it a lot simpler to think about payments—it’s like an entire component that we can mentally hand off to Stripe. Victoria Kirst, VP of engineering at Glitch USA Phone Number List Throughout my 20 years in e-commerce, checkouts were the last thing you wanted to touch and the first to go down. With Stripe Checkout we don’t maintain this ourselves anymore.
It’s the future savings—I can’t emphasize enough how big that is. Bryan Mahoney, Cofounder & CTO a, Inc Increasing your sales with a better checkout flow What does that mean in practice? Well, teams of Stripe engineers and designers obsess over every aspect of the checkout page, from reducing load time to streamlining how customers fill in their addresses. We sweat the details to an extent that would be irrational for nearly any company building their own checkout flow. Stripe Checkout adapts to each customer down to their location, device, browser, and individual user settings. For example, Checkout automatically surfaces the right payment methods based on your customer’s location—you don’t have to run A/B tests to identify the highest converting payment methods in Belgium. We just handle it for you.