You will also save yourself the trouble of going to the site and searching for the product again after receiving your e-mail. It is sure to speed up the decision-making process! The method and message when presenting the visual are also important. Don't you think an example like the one below would be effective? Hello Zeynep, We have a question for you; You know, after reading the article on the benefits of rope jumping on , you left something in the shopping cart, what was it? Here's a copy for you Some customer comments can be added under the product image, or images of other products that can be purchased with that product, and a few sentences of text that will be more effective in making a decision about the product can be added.
For example, you can say here are the health and care details Iceland Phone Numbers 300,000 List with a banner under the mailing . 3- Offer a Deal! He has come so far, maybe now he is waiting for a step from you! Even just a 10% discount rate can be effective in completing the purchase. You can offer other offers other than discounts; free shipping, free membership to your loyalty program, gifts, additional points for a program that accumulates points... Creativity goes on and on here. However, try to use them sparingly, do not create the perception in the customer's mind that "every time I leave my cart, they come back to me with an offer". 4- Make You Feel Safe! Many people are still worried about the reliability of online shopping.

Make sure that explanations/contracts regarding issues that may come to mind in e-commerce, such as returns and exchanges, are in an easily visible place. When sending your e-mail for remarketing purposes, you can direct it to access this information. State your phone number and e-mail address visibly so that they feel confident that they can easily reach you if they have questions after shopping. 5- Don't Ignore, Don't Get Left Behind! Apparently; Although more and more marketers are investing in winning over customers who abandoned their carts, over 75% of e-commerce sites are still late to the game. This method is a marketing effort with measurable sales conversion and deserves careful planning. The customer came to the site, liked the product and added it to the cart. You have a great opportunity, these people cannot be ignored or left behind. We recommend that you try more sophisticated, more personalized campaigns instead of boilerplate campaigns.