In-house designers and engineers doing everything they can to fulfill their mentor's polymath ambitions. Founded in 2007, dream factory has launched several avant-garde projects as a collective, from van gogh path to t. All studio projects combine “poetry with pragmatism”, a common thread of environmental awareness. Studio smog free project is a microcosm of the exceptional spirit that has forged it. Smog free tower is an artwork installation, a paradigm of “good design,” and a feat of engineering infused with the spirit of activism. This is an excellent example of schonheid, a dutch term meaning "Beauty" and "Cleanliness." for roosegaarde, clean air is beauty and, like the american transcendentalist writer ralph waldo emerson like all studio projects, smog free tower was born out of the frustration of a neglected problem. In 2013, roosegaarde traveled to beijing for a design event. He was on the 32nd floor of the china world summit wing hotel in guomao and noticed thick smoke every day from the city throughout the week. "It was the moment I said, 'we have to do something now.' wind pollution is a major cause of concern for beijing residents, many of whom keep their children indoors to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.
According to a 2015 study by the american climate research organization berkeley earth, around 1.6 million people die each year in china due to the industry 's toxic byproducts . This represents an average of 4,400 premature deaths per day. In 2015, the environmental journal nature published an article attributing three million annual deaths to air pollution worldwide, a figure that should double by 2050. According to the study, "More than 80% of the city's inhabitants are exposed to air quality that exceeds the limits of the world health organization. Severe fog and fog, power plants are Email Marketing List large smokestack emissions along the yangtze river in jiujiang city, east chishutterstock "I think it's incredibly strange that we've created cities that kill us," roosegaarde says fervently. "There are places where children get lung cancer at the age of 8. "When we accept that, how can we use creative technology to improve lives?" so, roosegaarde worked on it by creating the world's largest outdoor air purifier: it creates a “stadium-sized bubble of fresh, totally clean wind a day so that inhabitants can breathe in total peace of mind.
While the air in the netherlands is considerably cleaner than in china, the smog-free tower idea was first introduced almost 5,000 miles away. (8,000 km) from beijing as a prototype in rotterdam, partly funded by a kickstarter campaign. Roosegaarde listed the project in july 2015, with a goal of €50,000 (us$53,000) to harvest just twice as much in two months. The campaign produced extraordinarily promising results, not only because of the success of the air purification method, but also because the prototyping process yielded additional, marketable results. "We had significant amounts of smog particles in the studio after the first tests in rotterdam, and we thought: 'this is chemical waste, what are we going to do with it?' "But then we realized that we didn't see it bad, it wasn't a waste, we could do something about it." smog is rich in carbon, and when carbon is compressed with enough power, it will eventually form a diamond.